Friday, 21 June 2013

My Hometown's Flooded...

Hey folks,

So, strangely, the city wherein I dwell is beginning to look a lot like Atlantis - never a good thing...evacuations are being made throughout the city as Calgary faces the worst flooding in its history. Our hockey stadium which seats almost 17 000 people has been filled up with water to the 10th row, the tigers of the submerged city zoo are being held in the courthouse, homes are literally flowing down the city's Bow/Elbow rivers, and 70% of my friends' houses are likely to be totaled by the time it's all said and done. Luckily, my house is a little higher up in elevation so I'm kind of in the clear (although, drinking water, etc is said to be in short supply.)

Anyhow, I hope you fellas are faring slightly better than us folks over here! Just to keep festive with all the disastrous shit going down, here's John:


  1. Stay dry, and keep those instruments safe! May "High Water Everywhere" not be the story...

  2. Ah thank you! All those timeless tunes about the '27 MS flood have been on repeat...
